Social Media
We have no social media presence in the UK. As a company, we have instituted a global ban on social media advertising and product promotions in an effort to limit all advertising and promotion to specific channels that mitigate the potential for unintended spillover to underage audiences.
Juul Labs does not engage in social media promotions or advertising:
- Currently, the only corporate social media accounts Juul Labs operates are the Juul Labs Twitter account (@juulvapour), LinkedIn, and an age-gated YouTube channel for non-promotional purposes only.
- Advertising and/or promotion of JUUL products is strictly prohibited on these accounts.
- Permitted posts are limited to non-promotional communications and would include the following categories: (1) company news (e.g., new employees), (2) press releases on scientific research, (3) public policy updates, and (4) potential product safety notices.
- Juul Labs does not engage in lifestyle influencer marketing on Facebook, Instagram, or similar social media platforms; and Juul Labs contractually prohibits Juul Labs’ commercial partners (e.g. retailers and distributors) from engaging in these practices.